
Topics Can Include

  • 'Who are you?'
  • Self-Leadership
  • Leading Yourself to Lead Others 
  • Self-Awareness
  • Meta-Cognition - thinking about your thinking
  • Personality Models
  • Transactional Analysis -understanding reactions
  • Managing Your Time, Attention & Energy
  • Managing Overload
  • Managing Commitments
  • Managing Your Brand
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Managing Your Secondary Emotions
  • Making or Breaking Habits
  • Courage & Risk Taking
  • Self-Confidence
  • Presence
  • Career Management & Self- Development
  • 'Rock Climbing' up the Ladder
  • Taking Charge of Your Life & Future
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle
I am not in competition with anyone but myself. My goal is to improve myself continuously. - Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft and Philanthropist

Understanding why you do what you do and in what circumstances is is key to leading yourself so you can effectively lead others. 

Through transactional analysis, meta-cognition, and other  practices, you can learn how to manage your strengths, mitigate your  weaknesses, break bad habits, and enhance your brand and 

Course Development & Delivery​  
We would meet with you to tailor a course that addresses the competencies needed for your leaders and to the level of depth desired. The course can be conducted from a presentation level to a very exercise-intensive practitioner workshop. The course is primarily delivered virtually, but onsite options are available. It can be standalone or part of a comprehensive multi-day leadership development program.  

We can also conduct 1:1 consulting and coaching sessions.

Course Licensing:  Selective courses are available for licensing with Train-the-Trainer services.