Premier Customer Experience
Topics can Include
" Just having satsified customers isn't good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create raving fans."
- Ken Blanchard, author 'The One Minute Manager' and speaker
To grow your business and remain competitive,
it is imperative to go
beyond providing good service to delivering premier customer experiences.
Keep your Customers in the Center!
Customized Workshop
Development & Delivery
We would customize this highly participative
workshop to your organization and your customers. It includes instruction and multiple group exercises. It culminates with each participant
conducting a relatable communication to another participant, who portrays their customer. Feedback is given from the instructors and peers and all discuss and capture lessons learned.
To ensure maximum relatability, we work with you to develop challenging communication scenarios that are frequently encountered in your daily operations.
The workshop is delivered virtually,with some onsite options.
Course Licensing: Selective courses are available for licensing with Train-the-Trainer services.
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