Executive Coaching

Our Unique Process

The Advanced Strategies Executive & Leadership Coaching is a highly tailored personal development workshop designed to coach one individual leader.  Advanced Strategies scrupulously maintains the session confidentiality. This confidentiality creates a safe and open communication environment.  Substantial preparation goes into each session.  The leader also gets a formal "TURN AROUND DOCUMENT" (TAD) after the session with detailed notes, illustrations, copies of slides presented in the session, and other materials to guide their future development. 

The coaching topics derive from an analysis of confidential interviews with the leader and others as appropriate.  Coaching materials are assembled from a large selection of micro-presentations, illustrations & other content.  These are pre-packaged for the coaching event to maximize the benefit and the leader’s time.  The event is supported by a Recording Analyst Coach who captures key messages and assembles the "TURN AROUND DOCUMENT". A professional executive & coach with substantial experience and understanding of the leader’s industry designs and conducts the coaching event.

This process that has been well received by over 500 Executives and Upper-Level Managers to date. Our executive coaching offering has grown 100% by referral. 

Advanced Strategies would work with you to assemble a personalized session to meet your specific needs and aspirations. The session can be conducted in two half-day virtual sessions or onsite at our Atlanta, Georgia office. 

" It has generally been my experience that the very top people of truly great organizations are servant-leaders." Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

" If I do not know what to do, I call Advanced Strategies"
 - VP Marketing Fortune 100 Company 


Richard Branton is the Principal and Architect of Advanced Strategies practices. With both an IT and General Business leadership background, he has facilitated thousands of Executive Coaching and Leadership Development sessions. 
As a trusted advisor to senior leadership, he learns their business and learns ‘them’  to ensure that he always provides value and enriches their at-work and personal well-being. 

"Richard [Branton] has impacted me professionally and personally more than anyone I know. Richard had a way  of telling me something I did not want to hear."
.-Executive VP & CIO Fortune 100 Company

Anthony Lopez, Advanced Strategies' Office & Technology Support Services Manager, serves as the Recording Analyst and Coach at the session. He brings his perspective to the table and prepares the extensive Turnaround Document that is provided to the participant for future guidance.

Executive Coaching - Personalized Workshop 

The session can be conducted in two half-day virtual sessions or onsite at our Atlanta, Georgia office. 

Consulting Hours

A Block of  Hours can be purchased for 1:1 consultations and utilized as needed to target specific leadership, strategy and organization design topics.  

Advanced Strategies has a massive infobase of leadership materials and industry research that is continuously updated.

Course Licensing:  Selective modules are available for licensing with Train-the-Trainer services.